Monthly Archives: August 2016

You The Damn Sh*t!

There is nothing more attractive than a person who is confident, NOTHING. Doing everything with confidence whether it’s what you should be doing or the other way around, a person that oozes confidence has already won this life thing. There is absolutely nothing that wastes someone’s time like insecurities, being scared and fearful and a low self-esteem. In 2016, you cannot seriously be struggling with accepting that there is something about you that stands out and there is no other like you, nowhere on this earth. You might have similar qualities, features and characteristics with others but there is that one thing that kills them all combined. And it all starts with one thing, believing in yourself and understanding that you are the damn sh*t. Look, people judge you based on what you put out there. I cannot possibly tell you what you are, I can’t. Matter of fact, whatever offish thing someone says to you shouldn’t even dent your confidence. You really have all the power over what affects you. In a case where someone really pierces your confidence – rule number 1: NEVER SHOW THEM THAT THEY WON. You will simply be giving them power over your happiness. Rather smile and walk away. Go to your room and wet your pillow with tears. It’s only you and your pillow that knows what was going on at night, the rest of the world don’t have to know. And there is nothing a power nap cannot solve – my theory :).

I am not saying fake happiness, don’t do that. If it’s so important to you and will change the price of your bread, tell them that what they did was not cool and you do not appreciate it, and move on. Do things that will bring you closer to happiness without showing the world that your confidence was bruised. Wear your crown with pride, wear your broken heart with pride, the scars, the hate, and the rest, kill it all with pride and bury it with confidence. When your inner self is happy, making rigid decisions becomes easy. They always say love yourself, I am not going to say anything different, DO LOVE YOUR DAMN SELF. Don’t go all out looking for confirmation that you the damn sh*t. Tell them that you the damn shi*t and let those who are uncomfortable with you be excused. It goes without questioning that not everyone will like you and that is sooooo ok, and who cares anyways cause you already like yourself.

With that being said, STOP being scared and fearful of what you have no proof of and no control over.  DO NOT let your insecurities push away what could’ve been good for you and lastly, change that LOW SELF-ESTEEM into CONFIDENCE because you got this, you are the GAAD DAMN SH*T..!

I’m done…

The exhausting voting process! 

It’s that time of the year again in South Africa where citizens of this beautiful country are edged to vote for a political party they think can bring change to people’s lives. This post is about my opinion on the voting process, it is one of the reasons why many people didn’t vote. Besides the fact that it is difficult to choose which devil to let rule your country, the thought of waking up in the morning, go stand in the long line then hours later you only get to vote is draining. And the mere fact that the people that are employed to assist with the voting process at the stations treat you like you desperate to vote, like your life depends on the vote is more exhausting than the quarrels between these political parties. Arguably each person’s vote counts but honestly, most people have lived without the benefits of democracy.. What’s gonna be so different now? 

Another exhausting thing is that many millions of rands were spent in campaigning for the elections. That’s enough money to build homes for the people that are actually voting, improve our infrastructure and most importantly, renovate schools in poor communities. Had the political parties that went all out with the campaignging delivered what they promised it’s people, fhey wouldn’t have to spend so much money on campaigning. Satisfied citizens would vote for them with no doubt. The campaigning will mostly be about reminding the people that elections are coming up, not propagating people and convincing them as to why they should vote for them. 

Another thing, the registering and voting process is the reason why most people didn’t vote. I am not proud to say this but at the time of registering, I had other important things to do so I didn’t get a chance to register. And besides, there was no motivation to put in effort in making sure I registered because till this day, our parents and grandmothers haven’t benefited from this democracy they fought for, but with no fail you see them standing in those long lines all the time to vote for a party that only tells them to be patient, their time is coming. Perhaps the time will come when they are no more? 

Moving away from that, I do think that the election process should be made simple. We live in a generation where digital media controls everything. Instead of wasting money on propaganda, the government should invest in an online voting platform. Additionally, the government must create more jobs by hiring people who will go house to house and make sure every citizen registers. When it’s time for voting, the same people must go back to each household and make sure everyone votes. 

You can’t really expect a 95 year old grand parent to walk to a voting station and make their mark. The lines to the voting station are too long and one of the reasons why most people sit the elections out… 

My two cent, don’t quote me.
